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Past Eras Awaken, Vol. 3 (MP3-Download)

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Past Eras Awaken, Vol. 3 (MP3-Download)

These audiobooks contain facets of the high points and turning-points in the history of humanity. Their purpose is not limited to historical research but goes beyond such findings. The accounts are free from all the additions of subsequent influences pertaining to power and geopolitics, thus making it possible to understand the events of that time in the context of their origin and course of development. The actual content of the books is the spiritual development of mankind in times past, as received and portrayed by human beings called for the purpose.

leads the listener into two great epochs in human history: the Struggle for Truth in ancient Egypt and the Fulfilment from out of the Light through Jesus, the Son of God. In Part One, the listener learns the significance of the fall of the Archangel Lucifer, and how he brought affliction and misery upon mankind, who allowed themselves to be ed by him. Further writings speak of how Nemare, son of a prince and later Pharaoh in Egypt, strives for Light and Truth in order to be a real sovereign to his people and to guide them to the true recognition of God. The Darkness triumphs before he has fulfilled his task. With Pharaoh Amenophis, good once more prevails. In El Amarna, he and his daughter Nefertiti build the Temple to the Glory of the Creator. Egypt blossoms in the new belief in the One God. With their power relegated to the background, the priests plot destruction, which is unleashed by Tut-ench-amon. Part Two completes the volume with the account of unknown events in the life of the Son of God. Jesus recognises His task and mission. He begins to teach and finds the disciples and helpers for His work. This is followed by the life and activity of the Apostles of the Son of God.

More Information
ISBN 978-3-87860-788-5
Format Zipped .mp3 album, 499 MB
Playing time 18 h 48'
Language English
Delivery time Available immediately after payment